5 stars. Engrossing. It is exhaustively researched and well-written. I knew next to nothing about Cromwell before I started reading other than he chopped off the head of THE KING!!! This book educated me in an entertaining way. The main focus is Cromwell but there are so many details and extra bits about people and places that bring history to life for the reader.
I like Huttons writing style and it lets the book read like historical fiction instead of a textbook approach with dry facts and lists of names; I felt like I got an introduction to how the individuals created this part of history. What do you do after you kill the King? This book takes us from that craziness into what happened next and how Cromwell shaped history. The Commonwealth of England and so many brutal and bloody battles against, well, everybody. So, was he a hero or a villain? Even today (300 odd years later) he is a polarizing topic. The book made me want to learn more and luckily, this is the second book about Cromwell from Hutton in what I believe is a planned trilogy so, yay, more reading!
Let me also say how much I adore Professor Hutton! Even before reading this book, I am a huge fan. Yes, dear reader, I am a history nerd and Ronald Hutton is awesome. He has that eccentric British style like a blend of Nutty Professor and Doctor Who. When you read any of his books, you get immediately that he is also a fan of the subject. His natural excitement and enjoyment comes through to the reader, and he has an engaging writing style that explains things so you understand the ‘why’ and also ‘who’ all these people are and how they fit together. He has written almost 20 books covering Cromwell, witches, paganism, and the history of early Britain-he is not just a historian/professor, he is the go-to authority on these topics. Check your library or favorite bookseller for more information. I think you will enjoy anything you choose from this author. He also pops up from time to time on television programs and he is so knowledgeable but conveys it in an accessible way for laypeople who want to know more about the topic; use Google or YouTube for links.
As always I do want to remind you that I was given a copy of the book to read/share my thoughts and this is my own opinion.
I’ll stick this in down here—the ‘official’ and much shorter (!) review I posted to thank NetGalley for sending me a copy of the book. Publishers etc like things short and sweet and, as we all know, I am loooooong winded and like to hear myself talk/type about books. Thanks for sticking around, dear reader!!
5 stars. Engrossing and well-researched; brings Cromwell to vivid life for the reader. If all you know about Cromwell is that he cut off the head of the King-buckle up for what happens next. The politics, power, and bloody brutality combine to shape history as masterminded by Cromwell. Hutton is a wonderful writer and his enjoyment of the topic shows through as he pulls all the details together to give the reader an engaging story that reads like historical fiction and brings the polarizing Cromwell and his time into perspective. This is book two of a planned trilogy and I highly recommend reading any and everything written by Hutton on any topic.