Recent Releases Round UP

Drum roll!! This is the exciting first Recent Releases Round Up where I give you, dear reader, a quick look at a few books that I wish I had time to read. You know how it is-your TBR (To Be Read) list just gets longer and longer while your time available to read stays the same. There are so many fantastic books coming out this year that I just can’t keep up-what a wonderful problem to have!! I’ll be doing this type of post a few times this year just to give you a heads up on new and new-ish books you ‘otter’ be reading.

Fun debut cozy with a Poe theme.
Book 12 in the Saint Squad series-will Craig & Sienna finally make it down the aisle?
You know how I love books about Kings & Queens and who can resist this love story that lasted 73 years?
The buzz has been amazing with almost 1300 five star Amazon ratings.
Missing spaceship reappears 5 years later-will the astronaut survive the trip back to Earth?

Oh hi there 👋 It’s nice to meet you.

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