Detectives. Investigators. Finder-outers of stuff! From Sherlock Holmes to Scooby Doo, everyone can find some type of mystery solver that they enjoy reading about. You do enjoy detective-y books, don’t you? I certainly do! ThisContinue Reading

Welcome to Throwback Thursday.  Walk down memory lane with me as we remember the Sunday paper with those colorful comics.  Remember how the top one on the first page was always Peanuts? That’s because itContinue Reading

We all get in reading slumps.  Nothing sounds good or the first chapter fails to ‘grab’ us.  Our kids are the same way-and with kids, we have to give them something GREAT so they willContinue Reading

Step into the wayback machine as we groove on back to the swinging 60’s, man..the 1860’s!  WHAT?!!  What kind of crazy bookness is this?  Chill, baby, I got you on this!  Now, saddle up andContinue Reading

Ah, Throwback Thursday is here again.  Join me on a trip to the (far distant) past of my childhood and some favorite books I read over & over and think you should, too: The Boxcar ChildrenContinue Reading