Monday is Mixed Up!

Something new this week instead of our usual Cozy Mystery Monday post.  Here is what’s new: when you start a blog, you quickly find out it’s not all book reviews & rainbows.  There is a biiiiiig learning curve of ‘stuff’ to figure out just to get started.  I learn something new every day because I found out bloggers also have to join a surprising number of groups dedicated to helping people learn to blog!  Bloggers teach each other how to do the behind the scenes mechanics of blogging like making things line up ‘right’ and pretty borders & fonts etc, etc.

Why this is good for you, dear reader 😉 is because in one of these lovely groups is a blogger who, at no charge to anyone!!, compiles a weekly list of books being reviewed on a bunch of blogs!!  All in one place, just click a link and whammo, there you are reading a great book review!

Some of these books are way outside what I normally read,/review & recommend. Some may even be steamy (!), but that’s ok. Take a look, pass on anything that is too far outside your comfort zone and read on!! It never hurts to see what other folks are reading-maybe we will find some new genre that is perfect for us. If you never look around, you might never see. Ooh, now that’s a great motto, I “Otter” write that down!


Welcome to Read This, a collection of book reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of book reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.Want to read more reviews? Check out Read This for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups.






















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1 Comment

  1. I started Read This Round Up because I wanted to share reviews (and giveaways) with a larger audience. Everyone who plays along republishes the round up on their site, so everyone wins with this. Thanks for mentioning my round up!

You 'OTTER' leave a comment-c'mon, let it all out and share your thoughts!!