5 BIG FAT STARS! You ‘otter’ be reading this entire series immediately! This is book 13 in the series and I would argue the best one-given the awesomeness of every book in the series, that is high praise. In this entry, Max and Markham are teamed up to fight a shadowy organisation that is much more dangerous than they seem. Lots of running up and down timelines has given Max a bad case of travel sickness that appears at the worst times, of course. St. Mary’s is on scene to help and, sometimes, make things more challenging, as usual. This was such a good book: the plot was tight, the characters were perfect and the little surprises along the way just added to the tension and fun. Newbies to the series will follow along with no problem but old fans will enjoy tucking in for the ride. Did I mention I rate this one five big fat stars? Obviously, fat stars are much better than five regular stars and well deserved, Jodi Taylor. Great book!