You ‘OTTER’ be reading this series! I’ve been waiting for simply ages for this to become available at the library. Four stars for HM Queen Elizabeth II and her redoubtable APS Rozie as they solve another hideous murder, this one at Buckingham Palace. HM must once again surreptitiously steer the investigation after a palace staffer is found not just dead but shockingly and yucky dead. After that bit of unpleasantness, she sets Rozie to determine if it’s connected to a missing painting and/or the nasty, anonymous notes popping up around the palace. There are some dangerous moments for Rozie and several twists to the plot as HM figures it out. I really like this series and since it is set in 2016, the real world impacts our story with Teresa May as the new PM, the US election and various members of the Royal Family getting mentions. There were also several quite touching scenes as HM and Philip are together again for a moment in time. Book three will be released in America in September, 2023.