Wednesday is here again, Summer is over, fall has arrived and my boys are in the dog days/doldrums of reading.  Nothing is really taking their interest so I thought I would pull out some great booksContinue Reading

My kids are taking over today with a selection of books they want to recommend for younger readers.  I think they’ve picked some great books EVERY grade 1-4 kid “Otter” be reading: Frightfully Friendly Ghosties, PhantomContinue Reading

Ah, the middle of the week means we are that much closer to the weekend!  What is on your reading list for today?  I’m finishing up some library books that ‘must’ be returned before IContinue Reading

No wonder they call Wednesday “Hump Day”, I’m in a reading slump AGAIN and can’t decide which book I “Otter” be reading.  I’ve started four (4? yikes!!) books and can’t seem to get really ‘into’Continue Reading