REVIEW: Secrets Underground by Elizabeth MacLeod

Secrets Underground: North America's Buried Past
Secrets Underground: North America’s Buried Past by Elizabeth MacLeod

Our entire family enjoyed this book! There are six exhaustively researched tales of fascinating secrets hidden underground. From hidden temples to gangsters to nuclear shelters, you just never know what you may find hidden away underground! MacLeod is one of our favorite authors for non-fiction that we can read right along with the kids. She writes so well and the books are so enjoyable, the kids don’t realize they are learning something!

This nifty book has a TON of photos, illustrations and sidebars to bring these hidden sites to life. There is also a wonderful bibliography at the end for even more reading. Highly recommend!!  I received a copy of the book-the review is my own.

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  1. Thanks so much for your great review! I had a lot of fun writing the book so it’s great to know that readers have enjoyed it. You mentioned the missile site just outside of San Francisco — if you get a chance to visit it, I’d really recommend it. It definitely gives you a lot to think about. Thank you again!

    1. Author

      It was a great book! We are originally from West Virginia so it was wonderful for my kids to see some positive things about ‘home’. Our travel wish list includes MANY of the sites in your book-maybe we will get to them all eventually!!

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