The plot: post WWII London. Miss Iris Sparks and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bainbridge open a business called The Right Sort Marriage Bureau. Their client is murdered and the man they matched her with is arrested for the crime. They think he is innocent and, with their livelihood on the line, they investigate.
I liked this book. The characters were interesting and their backstories were revealed a bit as the story progressed. Several subplots added to the overall fun along with with some danger for our intrepid heroines. The romance bits fit in with the plot and the characters, and were not graphic or gross.
The actual murder mystery was tricky and I was completely fooled! After all was solved I went back through the book with the search feature and, yep, there were clues that I missed. Oh, the delicious feeling that you get from a well put together plot! It kept me guessing til the end, but the whole thing was also realistic and not some crazy surprise reveal that makes no sense.
I wasn’t sure we needed another series of aristocrat and, hmmm, is ‘not aristocrat’ a thing? but the author puts her own spin on this trope and it works very well. All in all a good book and I’m invested enough in the characters that I’ve got the next one downloaded and ready to go.