2 stars. I don’t know-it was weird. I guess this is a YA-paranormal-urban fiction book; and it didn’t really work for me as any of them. The characters were interesting. Ropa is 14 in either an alternate or post apocalyptic Edinburgh. She is a ghostalker which means she delivers messages from the departed for a fee. So that was a cool twist. But, there is a library and magic or maybe a magic library but then some bad things happen. It’s all wrapped up by Ropa telling the story in a mishmash of a street slang patois’ that is hard to decipher-by the time I figured out what she was yapping about, I no longer cared. The magic is meshed with science/technology; all tied into the library and the books Ropa reads to become a magician. There are kids being taken and bad things happen to them, evil creatures are everywhere and it was just a tiresome slog to get to the end of the book. I always say there is a reader for every book-this was NOT one for me.