Disappointing and misleading; not the promised mystery story at all-this is badly written lesbian erotica with a very minor and convoluted subplot of crime solving. I wanted to like this book; I mean, spiritualism in the 1870’s as two women solve murders using seance-sign me up. But, the book just wasn’t good. The POV changes were heavy handed and poorly written, characters appear and go away forever for no reason and two sub/sub plots about the parents and another character that could have been interesting were never explored or explained. The author tells rather than shows leaving the reader yearning for a plot twist-oh, there is one at the halfway point that reveals nothing you haven’t already figured out. But, wait, dear reader, there is another plot twist at 75% that will leave you … disappointed again. And don’t get me started on the mysticism etc. we learn nothing new and the ending we have seen a hundred times. This book had been on my highly anticipated list for ages but Sarah Penner failed in a big way with this one. I only finished it because I had been given a copy to review and I wanted to give it a fair go; otherwise, it would have been tossed in the trash at page two. One star.