4 stars. I ran onto this book watching “Dollar Tree Dinners” cook from it on her You Tube channel. She made Potato Patties, a coffee drink, and a bean soup with corn fritters. It looked interesting so, luckily, Hoopla had a copy available through my local library. There are quite a few clunkers in here: Liver Bologna, Liver Pudding, Stuffed RACCOON!?!?! Hard nope from me but to each his own. Where the book shines is in the basic recipes like biscuits and cakes that use basic ingredients (basic is my theme today, apparently!). During the 1930’s there were so many challenges for the home cook; this book is a collection of recipes that would have been used back then but are still very useful today. I bookmarked several breakfast ideas and some interesting vegetable recipes-Creole Tomatoes looks delicious and just different enough from the same old tomato soup; I can’t wait to try this. There are some inspirational sayings and trivia as chapter breaks with reproductions of magazine pages & ads that were fun to read. All in all a decent little cookbook.