The Watchdog by Steve Drummond

4 BIG FAT STARS! This book is so good-the rarely told tale of the ‘Truman Committee’. Exhaustively researched and well written. The details and extra little bits of not just the facts, but of the people and how they worked (and sometimes fell in love!) together. We all know how Harry Truman became VP and then President and the bombs etc. This is the build up to how it all came about. From a lowly Senator from Missouri with an ‘iffy’ past (Pendergast, we’re looking at you), Harry Truman stayed true to himself and his values to change history. The committee took on the corporate machine to battle corruption and waste to save money and lives during the extreme construction projects that supplied WWII. I can’t give enough love to this book-it was awesome. I’m a huge fan of Truman, I live in Independence, Missouri so it’s almost required; I’m familiar with the events of this book, but there were still many times I said wow, didn’t know that. I love when nonfiction reads like a novel and I was up most of several nights engrossed in The Watchdog. If you are a history buff, this is your book. Probably the highest compliment I can give a book is to say: I was given a copy to share my opinion but I would gladly have paid for it-it’s that good.

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