4 stars. Really fun little novella that started out as a heartwarming Christmas story starring the Time Police and then warped into something so weird and crazy that, yep, it is definitely a Time PoliceContinue Reading

Wowzers! Five big fat stars for book four in the Time Police series. This was so good I can’t even believe it. Let’s get into it. After the crazy plot of book three, book fourContinue Reading

3 Stars. Book three in the excellent Time Police series. Matthew, Luke, and Jane have completed training and are now Time Police officers. As they struggle to find their way in their new roles, TeamContinue Reading

First Chapter Friday!!! I love this weekly post-I get to read the first chapter of various books, and give you my thoughts. I’ve found two great books that your kids “OTTER” be reading!!  Inspirational booksContinue Reading