4 stars!  Surprising and well plotted.  Characters had depth and personalities that shone and moved them along the storyline. The story itself was well told with enough twists and turns to keep me guessing.  IContinue Reading

4 big fat stars! So good.  Georgie and Darcy are enjoying being new parents when their lives are turned upside down with Hollywood stars, disappearances, murder, and a certain Mrs. Simpson. As their lives are impactedContinue Reading

Woo-Hoo!  Petrova and Zhang back in action on yet another terrifying planet!  I don’t know where David Wellington gets these book ideas but I hope they keep on coming–this is another space/horror that will keepContinue Reading

Space horror with a wormhole twist.  Cammie is a great character–I liked her and enjoyed the journey with her.  My problem with the book is that Anderson can get a little preachy/metaphysical and that gotContinue Reading