SUPER SERIES ALERT: Mysteries of Moonlight Manor by Molly Fitz & Trixie Silvertale

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik Thank you for this background graphic-it’s perfect for this series!!

Fun cozy mystery series. Sydney flees New York to start over at the only place she can afford-Maine. Her big mansion is perfect except for the ghostly inhabitants that demand she solve the previous owners murder! We’ve all read this plot before but the author(s) do a great job at making it feel new. The basic story over the three books is that Sydney has to find a way to make her mansion bring in money so she has all sorts of ideas: B&B (book one), Haunted Halloween Tour (book two), and Antique Auction (book three). Of course things go awry with murder and ghosty things in every book. There are cute guys and new friends to move things along. It’s all just good fun and Sydney is a great character. She is actually from the Midwest so we get a good dose of (sort of/kind of) how a real life person would react to things. Some of the magic and ghost behaviors are over the top but the cat is A+. If you are in the mood for a quick-read series, you ‘otter’ suspend your disbelief and dive into this one. 3 stars.

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