The Ghost in My Hotel by Bonnie Elizabeth

Cute and fun cozy paranormal mystery. It did drag a bit in the middle but it was still 3 stars. I read chapter one as part of my First Chapter Friday posts and it was well worth finishing the entire book. The plot moved quickly as we are introduced to Maggie the hotel manager. She markets the Neary-Ten as a HAUNTED HOTEL which is accurate as the ghosts are real. They are also the full body apparition-walking-talking fooling people types who wander around the hotel interacting with the guests and helping solve murders. The ice storm and everyone stranded at the hotel was a good story line, but it was hard to follow who all the guests were and how they fit into the murder. Maggie does have CATS (non paranormal regular kitties) so extra credit points get sprinkled everywhere!

First books in a series often suffer from too much and this one has too much all over the place but the bones are good. Maggie is interesting and the ghosts have some secrets that we will figure out as the series progresses.

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